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Never Mind The Quantocks - A Hidden Gem in England's Countryside

Jese Leos
·7.7k Followers· Follow
Published in Never Mind The Quantocks: How Country Walking Can Change Your Life
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Never Mind The Quantocks Explore The Mesmerizing Beauty Of England's Countryside Never Mind The Quantocks: How Country Walking Can Change Your Life

The Quantock Hills, located in Somerset, England, are often overshadowed by their more famous counterparts like the Lake District or the Peak District. However, those who dare to venture off the beaten path will be rewarded with a mesmerizing landscape of rolling hills, picturesque villages, and unbeatable tranquility. This hidden gem has its own unique charm and allure that will captivate any nature enthusiast or explorer.

Discovering the Untouched Beauty

Never Mind The Quantocks, a phrase coined by locals to emphasize the area's underrated nature, invites visitors to explore its untouched beauty. The hills, extending for about 12 miles, offer breathtaking views that stretch as far as the eye can see. Whether you prefer hiking, cycling, or simply taking a leisurely stroll, there are numerous trails to suit all levels of adventurers.

As you embark on your journey, the air becomes fresher, the sounds of nature fill your ears, and the stress of everyday life starts to melt away. The rolling hills, covered in lush greenery, provide a sense of tranquility that is hard to match. You might even encounter some fascinating wildlife along the way, such as deer, hares, and various bird species that call this area home.

Never Mind the Quantocks: How Country Walking Can Change Your Life
Never Mind the Quantocks: How Country Walking Can Change Your Life
by Stuart Maconie(Kindle Edition)

4.2 out of 5

Language : English
File size : 747 KB
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
Word Wise : Enabled
Print length : 269 pages

A Glimpse into History

While the natural beauty of the Quantocks is undoubtedly the main attraction, the area is also steeped in history. The region has a rich and fascinating past, with evidence of human settlements dating back to the Neolithic period. Ancient burial mounds, stone circles, and hill forts are scattered throughout the hills, offering a glimpse into the lives of those who lived here centuries ago.

One notable historical site is Cothelstone Hill, renowned for its iconic tower, which stands as a testament to the area's past. Built in the early 19th century, the tower offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside and is a favorite spot for photographers and history enthusiasts alike.

Exploring Quaint Villages

A visit to Never Mind The Quantocks would not be complete without exploring the enchanting villages that dot the landscape. Nestled amidst the rolling hills, these picturesque settlements exude charm and tranquility.

Bicknoller, for instance, is a quintessential English village with its thatched cottages, traditional tea rooms, and a pub that serves up delicious local cuisine. Another village worth visiting is Nether Stowey, famous for its links to the renowned poet, Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Here, you can explore the Coleridge Cottage and immerse yourself in the literary history of the area.

Food and Drink

After a day of immersing yourself in nature and exploring the historical sites, indulge in the local culinary delights and refreshments. Nestled amidst the hills are charming country pubs and restaurants that serve traditional British cuisine with a modern twist. From hearty Sunday roasts to locally sourced seafood, you'll find a range of mouthwatering options to satisfy your appetite.

Planning Your Visit

If you're ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure, plan your visit to Never Mind The Quantocks. The best time to explore the area is during the spring and summer months when the hills come alive with vibrant colors and the weather is ideal for outdoor activities. Be sure to pack appropriate clothing, sturdy walking shoes, and don't forget your camera!

Whether you're a nature enthusiast, history buff, or simply seeking a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, Never Mind The Quantocks offers an unforgettable experience. Rediscover the undiscovered, and let this hidden gem in England's countryside leave a lasting impression on your soul.

Never Mind the Quantocks: How Country Walking Can Change Your Life
Never Mind the Quantocks: How Country Walking Can Change Your Life
by Stuart Maconie(Kindle Edition)

4.2 out of 5

Language : English
File size : 747 KB
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
Word Wise : Enabled
Print length : 269 pages

In this hilarious and heart-warming collection of essays, the bestselling author reflects on a life spent exploring the British countryside on foot.

From the splendor of the Pennines and the Lake District to the drama of the Dorset coast; from the canals of the Midlands to wildest Scotland, this book is an attempt to explain a passion for walking and the delights it can bring.

Culled from Stuart Maconie’s monthly column in Country Walking, it’s full of the beautiful places, magical moments and wonderful characters he has encountered on his travels. It discusses such intrepid adventures as taking on the famous “Wainwright” fells of the Lake District, walking Hadrian’s Wall with colleague Mark Radcliffe, and why the most important things to carry in a rucksack are a transistor radio and a small bottle of red wine.

Praise for Stuart Maconie

“Maconie makes a jovial, self-deprecating narrator. Sharp and funny.” —The Guardian

“He is as funny as Bryson and as wise as Orwell.” —The Observer

“Stuart Maconie is the best thing to come out of Wigan since the A58 to Bolton.” —Peter Kay

“An heir to Alan Bennett . . . stirring and rather wonderful.” —The Sunday Times

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